Monday, March 2, 2009

CONNECTORSHIP: Pecha Kucha--a new concept of learning, from Japan

Pecha Kucha--a new concept of learning, from Japan. Short presentations, interactive.  The first-ever association Pecha Kucha session ("What's Your Learning Story?") was at the American Society of Association Executives  2008 Annual Meeting in Washington DC last August.  There have been many, many, Pecha Kucha Nights since. Gayle, Judy and Darcy use a variation of  the technique for the Women's Leadership Circle All Acces Events, and the Company of Young Professionals (CYP) events.  Pecha Kucha was invented by two Toyko architects and means "chattering" in Japanese.  Its beauty is its simplicity and its utility as a learning too.  Interest stays high.  Model features 20 slides, 20 seconds each. 20/20 heard it here first.Any one use the technique?  --Darcy
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Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea and an excellent way to engage the audience. It can turn a presentation into a conversation.

Anonymous said...

PKVancouver and PKNY are up and running, anyone have details?